1. Can you tell us how TBCN came to being?
I run two face to face book clubs one at the Christian Book
Store I work at and the other at the church I attend. It’s a position I never
imagined I’d be in since I didn’t read for pleasure much before I started
working in a Christian book store 11 years ago.
But since I love talking with people and the main thing to talk
about in a book store is books I started reading Christian Fiction (publishers
sent ARC copies to our store and I started checking them out) The first book
that rocked my world and got me hooked in Christian Fiction was a book by Linda
Nichols called Not a Sparrow Falls her
next book did me in and I couldn’t stop talking about it, At the Scent of Water was her next book that prompted me to contact
the author and let her know how much her book touched my spirit.
After reading these two books and telling customers about these
reads I had a reason to read. These
books spoke to me because I wasn’t expecting it. It reminded me of the stories
in the bible. Jesus is the greatest story teller and He knew a story could
change a life or prick our spirit and move us in a direction we never thought
we’d be in.
I tell you all that to say I’m dyslexic and I have not been a
fan of reading. Movies were more my thing. I could watch a movie of a book and
have a lot more fun. Reading Christian Fiction changed my life in more ways
than one. I wanted to tell everyone
about the greatest book I read, and I’d do that at the book store. It was possible to talk about the new book I
read and loved for about a month or more but when At the Scent of Water and Not a Sparrow Falls were not on the shelf
anymore, I had to find some other books to talk about at work. I’m not a very fast reader so; discovering the
next new book was a challenge. Would I get the book read before it disappeared
from the shelf? How long do books live
on a book shelf? The shelf life of a book was a mystery to me and still is.
I was whining to my husband Fred about my problem. How can I get
the word out about great books for a very long period of time??? Being a man
who likes to face challenges head we began to talk about how we could do this
and the fact that I can’t read books fast enough to keep up with it’s shelf
life at the store.
I also told him as a book club leader I wanted to promote great
books and share them with other groups. Not everyone has the advantage of working
at a book store and see what new books hit the shelves each week. Another
struggle I had was if I had an author speaking at my book club I wanted to
share them with other book clubs in the area. How could I do that? Where are
book clubs meeting?
Our answer to many of these questions and more was the birth of
The Book Club Network - TBCN. Connecting authors to book clubs and readers to
their books; it’s also a network of book clubs as they post what they’ve read
and how the meeting turned out.
It’s a place to find where a book club is located. We have a
member map where you can find a book club near you. Message them and see if
they are accepting new members. I envision it to be similar to be similar to
the Weight Watchers program (don’t laugh Grin) you can go to a meeting anywhere
in the country right? All you have to do is look on line and get connected.
This is my hope for the future of TBCN.
2. Are you surprised at how well TBCN is supported?
I’ve been encouraged and fascinated by our growth. I can see
there were other people out there like me wanting to connect with other book
club members.
I’ll tell you what has surprised me is the author/reader
interaction each month. This is something I didn’t foresee as I’ve watch the
authors are having a blast interacting with the readers and visa/versa. The
beauty of this discussion is it’s there forever for all to read no matter when
you join TBCN.
The authors have done a great job coming up with questions for
reader to answer that give them a peek into their book – create interest and
then the discussion helps book club leaders connect with the author. I’ve been
pleasantly surprised at the amount of authors that want to be featured @The
Book Club Network. It’s been a great thing.
The interaction with the authors is almost like having a book
club meeting on line. The authors are catching on. Our sponsors have loved the
interaction as well. Members have told me that they love the author interaction
from the 19th-21st as much as having a chance to win all
these books. It’s hard to know if a book will be a fit for your group so these
interaction times are helpful for that and so much more. Another thing I love
about TBCN members is the fact they are not afraid to share what they think in
a good way. I’ve learned so much and laughed out loud in some discussion where
the questions lead to sharing funny moments.
My hope is that book club leaders and/or members participate in
the discussions and make that book connection with the author and their book. I
want TBCN to be a tool for them in picking out their books. Maybe invite the
author to speak to their book club on the phone. It’s my hope. The discussion
will be there forever. No worries about a books shelf live here @TBCN. So,
everyone has time to get to know each other!! It’s a beautiful thing!
3. For
readers who are not familiar with TBCN can you tell us what about TBCN?
The Book Club Network was born out of a desire to share
Christian Fiction authors with other book clubs, share book club ideas with
other leaders and to encourage the authors who are writing such amazing books.
The economy has been really tough for a few years and people are not parting
with money like they used to. Through TBCN they can take their time and find
the right book or win it. We have give away opportunities each month. ALL of our
contests are from the 19th – 21st of the month.
4. How can readers join in the anniversary celebrations?
5. In
August there will be prizes up for grabs each day can you tell us a bit about
what we can expect?
Yes, I can tell you what we have so far. First from our
sponsors, Bethany House and Revell, We have Don Hoesel’s new book, Serpent of Moses, and several authors
from Revell. Perfectly Ridiculous by
Kristin Billerbeck, Story by Steven
James, Love’s Reckoning by Laura
Frantz, The Haven by Suzanne Woods
Fisher, Lethal Legacy by Irene Hannon
and Lorena McCourtney’s new book Dying to
Read. We have many others I’m still trying to confirm before I make them
6. Will
international readers be able to enter?
I’m working on that aspect of the contest as well. I think
there might be some eBooks given away. I’ll know more soon.
7. For anyone not already a member of TBCN how do they join and
what is the link.
It’s easy to join TBCN go to www.bookfun.org It will bring you to the
Front Page from there in the right hand corner you’ll see SIGN UP click that
button, answer the few questions we have for you and then we’ll approve you as
fast as we can. My husband works out of our house and is on the computer all
the time. The wait isn’t that long. Then you can load a picture of yourself or
your book club logo and start reading the discussions at the page called
GIVEAWAY CENTRAL – Featured Authors. This is where most of our contests have
been. You’ll also see other discussions at our sponsors’ pages Bethany
Publishers and Revell. Click on those sites and join in the fun reading the
discussions and get to know authors and their books. Contest are usually from
the 19th-21st of each month. Our Birthday Bash is all
month long!! Grin!
8. Do
you have any other comments for my readers?
If you are avid reader this is the place for you to learn
about the latest in Christian Fiction and interact with the author each month.
Are you a book club leader? Well this is the place for you to
find your next book club pick. We’d also love for you to set up your Book club
page at our site for others to see. It’s a place to share your latest featured
book. Post pictures of your club and the field trips you’ve taken. The authors
you’ve met and the book fun you’ve had. Learn from other book clubs that have
already set up their pages.
Want to start a book club but felt it was too overwhelming? You
can learn from other experienced book club leaders, and you can start right
away making your book club list!
Do you like to win books? This is the place for you. You’ll have
a chance to get to know the authors and their books and read genre’s you
normally wouldn’t. We’ve been giving away about 100 books a month and for our
birthday bash it’s going to be 10 books every day; starting August first.
Winners are picked weekly and announced each weekly.
THANKS for having me here!! We are thrilled to be giving away 10 books every day in the month of August. We have such a great line up thanks for Wynn Wynn Media, Bethany House and Revell publishers!
We are also excited about the Book Fun Magazine we are launching in September. We'll be talking about Book Clubs, Books, Book Fun, Food, author interviews, reviews and so much more!!
I appreciate you helping spread the word about our Birthday Party! We are two years old!!
Blessings to you Jenny!!
Nora St.Laurent
The Book Club Network
Nora, you are doing an awesome job with TBCN. Your passion for books really comes through. Blessings to you. :) Thanks for sharing this interview Jenny.
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