
16 December 2008

Christmas Focus with Robin Shope

Today we our Christmas focus is on Robin Shope.

Thanks Robin for taking the time to come to my blog and share some Christmas thoughts with us.

1. For you what do you most associate with Christmas where you live?
Christmas used to mean snowmen and blizzards but that is when we sill lived in Wisconsin. Living in Texas we can expect similar weather to Australia’s at this time of the year. Its not unusual for us to go shopping in shirt sleeves. However, there are some things that will never change and that is holiday songs, a celebratory meal with loved ones, gifts and the Christmas tree. And the reason for Christmas remains the same; the birth of our Savior. (Jenny Here its been chilly start to Dec here)

2. Do you have any special family traditions you do at Christmas time?
We used to trim the tree together but with my children now grown, I found I was putting up the decorations and taking them down alone. Not so much fun. I settled for a feather tree and put antique glass ornaments on that. In fact, I really love the old fashioned look the best. Over the years we have cut down on our gift giving so we can do more for charities.

3. Do you have a favourite christmas Carol and if so do you know why?
My favorite Christmas song is Away in a Manager . I learned it as a little girl when I was in a pageant. The song is so sweet. Every time I hear it, I imagine innocent children singing it to Jesus, with hearts so filled with love for Him. The last few verses are less well known but to me, they are the most beautiful words of all. It still brings tears to my eyes when I heard my children sing when they were small.

4. If you could spend Christmas anyway you could how would you celebrate?
If I could, I would turn back time and return home for one more Christmas – the way it used to be when I was little. This time I wouldn’t be present focused. I would pay closer attention to my parents and be nicer to my brother and sister. Growing older has its benefits…and that is finally learning what is really the most important things in life and celebrating that.

5. Now a few questions about The Christmas Edition. How did you come up with the concept? About a year ago, I decided to write a romantic holiday book. I never had done this before. But I watched some wonderful shows that told a good story. Thought I would try my hand at writing one….so I returned home in my mind to have a look around. It was snowy. Cold. And I was in my twenties again (hey, it’s my imagination, I can have things the way I want!) I collected together the people from my past and gave them new names and assigned roles to them. Then I began writing. It was by the seat of my pants but the book came together.

6. What was the best part about writing the "The Christmas Edition"?
It’s a sweet story about finding love again for both Joe and Lucy. Learning to trust, seeing events and people in a new way, and celebrating the birth of Christ. Our sins are washed away and we become as white as the fresh driven snow. For added impact I made Joe a mystery. My husband is reading the book now and cannot figure out who Joe really is…and keeps guessing but I won’t tell! I am waiting for him to reach the big surprise at the end of the book. So far all my readers have told me to say they never saw it coming. I love that element of surprise.

7. I enjoyed the whole story you created, did you have a theme when you were writing "The Christmas Edition"?
(I had to keep reading to find out Joes story) The story began focusing in Lucy but everyone who has emailed me about the story found Joe the one who stole the storyline. Interesting. It was unintended and yet I am glad. Joe had a surprise in store even for me. The theme was redemption and renewed home…a new love.

8. Do you have a Christmas message for my readers?
I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and to my Jewish friends a Happy Hanukah. May you find what you need this season. God bless to all!

To read my review click here


Donna said...

Hey Jenny,

This was a great Christmas read. Oh by the way it was in the 20's all yesterday in Joshua, texas. Way too cold!!!

Anonymous said...

I loved this book! You can find a copy of my review at the bottom of the wild card post here :


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