
16 October 2024

Book Review | Tea with Elephants by Robin Jones Gunn


Today I am reviewing Tea with Elephants by Robin Jones Gunn.

Robin also answered a couple of interview questions for us which will start this post.
Interview. This first appeared on

What inspired you to write this book and new series Suitcase Sisters?

Would you believe it was a simple FaceBook post that started the wheels in motion? I wrote the first Sisterchicks novel two decades ago (!) and I kept hearing from readers that they were hoping for another adventure novel about two friends who travel. So I asked a simple question about where would you like such a story to be located on this beautiful spinning planet. The response was crazy! Over 1,200 replies and many more emails. All you Beautiful Readers gave me lots of ideas and confirmed that you’d like another story.

A friend of mine who used to be an editor at Revell Publishing saw the post and sent her former co-workers to my agent to find out what I was thinking of writing. Within a short time, I had a 3-book contract with a new publisher and the Suitcase Sisters collection was born.

I knew the first book had to be about Africa because I’ve been to Kenya twice and for many years I was eager to tell the tales of those incredible experiences. I also knew it was a priority location for a story based on the comments from readers.

One thing I love is that although I am single I still identify with characters. I found many lessons I can apply to my own personal situations. Is this what you hope other readers will also take out of this book?

Jenny, you have no idea how much you just blessed me by saying that. Before every book I write, I take time to write out a prayer and ask the Lord to bless the work of my hands. I ask Him to show me what the story should be about and I pray for the readers. Many times I have asked Him to teach me how to tell a story that will appeal to a broad audience. The insights He reveals to me as I write always end up being life issues that almost anyone can relate to. My heart is right there with the readers because every time it feels as if Jesus is pulling thoughts and feelings right out of my heart and putting them on the page for the readers to look at and say, “I feel the same way.”

When will the next book in the series be out and can you tell us anything about it?

I’ve finished the second book and it’s with my editors right now. That means it’s still too early for me to reveal a lot of details. When I get the notes back from my two editors in a week, I will begin the challenging task of doing rewrites. In this phase the story can sometimes shift so that’s why I’m not free to say anything quite yet. I will be sharing on social media as soon as I can, of course. I can say that I laughed and I cried as I typed the second book in the Suitcase Sisters collection. I felt many times that I had to drop my bucket deep into my own emotional well in order to be able to draw up the story. So, be prepared. Book 2 is fun and silly and parts of it broke my heart. (How’s that for a teaser!)

Book Description

Ever since they met as teenagers volunteering at a conference center in Costa Rica 20 years ago, Fern Espinoza and Lily Graden have shared a close friendship, even though they live in different states. They can hardly believe it when their teen dream of traveling to Africa together becomes a reality. It’s the trip of a lifetime–but life sure isn’t what they thought it would be back when they were young.

Along with their suitcases, each woman brings along emotional baggage that weighs heavily on them. Yet the people they meet and the places they experience have the power to change their hearts–but only if they surrender to the lessons God wants to teach them in this unexpected land of emerald tea fields, graceful giraffes, and rambunctious elephants.

Pack your bags and get ready for adventure as Robin Jones Gunn invites you on a safari of the heart in this vulnerable exploration of how to move forward in faith even when the future is uncertain.

My Review

Thanks to NetGalley for my review copy.

I have been a fan of Robin Jones Gunn since I read the first Sisterchick book. Each one holds special memories and dreams.
When I heard this new series Suitcase Sisters I knew I had to read this book.

The book is in the same vein as the Sisterchick books with two friends travelling to a distant place in this case Kenya. But it is also different. I found the book to still have Robin’s flair for storytelling but there was also a deeper level to the story. Both Fern and lily have issues they are dealing with and both feel overwhelmed due to this. The story has a strong faith element which enriches the story but doesn’t bog it down. There are so many times I gained insights. I loved reading about Kenya and the animals there and felt like I was seeing what Fern and Lily were. Even the walk to a tea plantation was insightful.

This book shows how important it is to have that special friend you can talk to. Share your dreams with and not be judged. Someone who gets you. I think this is another part of the charm. Reading the book makes me wish I had that special bond and could go on an adventure the same way.

Again I would love to talk about how different part of the book impacted me but then you wouldn’t find these gems on your own, I also know everyone will have different parts they connect with.

If you enjoyed the Sisterchick Books then you will love this new series. I can’t wait to read more. This is by far one of the best books I have read this year.

Where to follow Robin Jones Gunn

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