
16 October 2024

Book Review | Tea with Elephants by Robin Jones Gunn


Today I am reviewing Tea with Elephants by Robin Jones Gunn.

Robin also answered a couple of interview questions for us which will start this post.
Interview. This first appeared on

What inspired you to write this book and new series Suitcase Sisters?

Would you believe it was a simple FaceBook post that started the wheels in motion? I wrote the first Sisterchicks novel two decades ago (!) and I kept hearing from readers that they were hoping for another adventure novel about two friends who travel. So I asked a simple question about where would you like such a story to be located on this beautiful spinning planet. The response was crazy! Over 1,200 replies and many more emails. All you Beautiful Readers gave me lots of ideas and confirmed that you’d like another story.

A friend of mine who used to be an editor at Revell Publishing saw the post and sent her former co-workers to my agent to find out what I was thinking of writing. Within a short time, I had a 3-book contract with a new publisher and the Suitcase Sisters collection was born.

I knew the first book had to be about Africa because I’ve been to Kenya twice and for many years I was eager to tell the tales of those incredible experiences. I also knew it was a priority location for a story based on the comments from readers.

One thing I love is that although I am single I still identify with characters. I found many lessons I can apply to my own personal situations. Is this what you hope other readers will also take out of this book?

Jenny, you have no idea how much you just blessed me by saying that. Before every book I write, I take time to write out a prayer and ask the Lord to bless the work of my hands. I ask Him to show me what the story should be about and I pray for the readers. Many times I have asked Him to teach me how to tell a story that will appeal to a broad audience. The insights He reveals to me as I write always end up being life issues that almost anyone can relate to. My heart is right there with the readers because every time it feels as if Jesus is pulling thoughts and feelings right out of my heart and putting them on the page for the readers to look at and say, “I feel the same way.”

When will the next book in the series be out and can you tell us anything about it?

I’ve finished the second book and it’s with my editors right now. That means it’s still too early for me to reveal a lot of details. When I get the notes back from my two editors in a week, I will begin the challenging task of doing rewrites. In this phase the story can sometimes shift so that’s why I’m not free to say anything quite yet. I will be sharing on social media as soon as I can, of course. I can say that I laughed and I cried as I typed the second book in the Suitcase Sisters collection. I felt many times that I had to drop my bucket deep into my own emotional well in order to be able to draw up the story. So, be prepared. Book 2 is fun and silly and parts of it broke my heart. (How’s that for a teaser!)

Book Description

Ever since they met as teenagers volunteering at a conference center in Costa Rica 20 years ago, Fern Espinoza and Lily Graden have shared a close friendship, even though they live in different states. They can hardly believe it when their teen dream of traveling to Africa together becomes a reality. It’s the trip of a lifetime–but life sure isn’t what they thought it would be back when they were young.

Along with their suitcases, each woman brings along emotional baggage that weighs heavily on them. Yet the people they meet and the places they experience have the power to change their hearts–but only if they surrender to the lessons God wants to teach them in this unexpected land of emerald tea fields, graceful giraffes, and rambunctious elephants.

Pack your bags and get ready for adventure as Robin Jones Gunn invites you on a safari of the heart in this vulnerable exploration of how to move forward in faith even when the future is uncertain.

My Review

Thanks to NetGalley for my review copy.

I have been a fan of Robin Jones Gunn since I read the first Sisterchick book. Each one holds special memories and dreams.
When I heard this new series Suitcase Sisters I knew I had to read this book.

The book is in the same vein as the Sisterchick books with two friends travelling to a distant place in this case Kenya. But it is also different. I found the book to still have Robin’s flair for storytelling but there was also a deeper level to the story. Both Fern and lily have issues they are dealing with and both feel overwhelmed due to this. The story has a strong faith element which enriches the story but doesn’t bog it down. There are so many times I gained insights. I loved reading about Kenya and the animals there and felt like I was seeing what Fern and Lily were. Even the walk to a tea plantation was insightful.

This book shows how important it is to have that special friend you can talk to. Share your dreams with and not be judged. Someone who gets you. I think this is another part of the charm. Reading the book makes me wish I had that special bond and could go on an adventure the same way.

Again I would love to talk about how different part of the book impacted me but then you wouldn’t find these gems on your own, I also know everyone will have different parts they connect with.

If you enjoyed the Sisterchick Books then you will love this new series. I can’t wait to read more. This is by far one of the best books I have read this year.

Where to follow Robin Jones Gunn

1 October 2024

Book Review | A Match Made at Christmas


Today I am reviewing A Match Made at Christmas

Book Description

A-parent-ly Christmas (by Amy R Anguish)—Noel and Joy Davidson didn’t mean to separate, but a job promotion and educational opportunities were too much for their marriage to withstand. Now, it’s Christmas and their son Andy wants them together. Between his mischief, an unexpected snowstorm, and the holiday spirit, they’re remembering why they first wanted to be together. But which one will give up their dream for the other?

A Match of her Own (by Sarah Anne Crouch)—Victoria Wood is torn between elation and devastation now that her sister is married and gone. When she realizes her sister’s best friend is alone and best-friend-less on Christmas, she knows just what to do. Set her up with a boyfriend! But pesky Jared Knight keeps getting in the way. Jared can’t date Victoria—she’s too immature—but he can’t convince his heart to move on. How will he keep Victoria from ruining everyone’s love lives? When will she realize her perfect match is closer than she thinks?

Jingle Bell Matchmakers (by Lori DeJong)—When country music star Aubrey Mayfield is lured home after years away, she’s bewildered when she and ex-fiance-now-widowed-dad Cody Lansdale keep finding themselves in the same place at the same time. As they become reacquainted, however, old feelings stir. Aubrey’s at a crossroads in her career and is contemplating a change. But when a chance at headlining her own tour takes her back to Nashville, Cody realizes her dreams may once again come between them. Unless God, with a little help from the Jingle Bell Committee, has a better plan.

The Santa Setup (by Heather Greer)—Turning friendship into love takes magic. Good thing Nicholas Eckert and Julie Clarke work at Christmas Wonderland. The attraction brims with holiday magic, not to mention four teenage elves determined that Mr. and Mrs. Claus stop playing a couple and become one. The teens will need more than mistletoe to pair up these two. Julie is seeing someone, and Nick won’t risk their friendship for possible love. Only the elven employees’ outrageous antics stand a chance of setting up Santa in time for Christmas.

My Review

I really enjoyed this collection on Novellas. Each is as good as the other which often doesn't happen with a collection. 

A-parent-ly Christmas (by Amy R Anguish) features a family, Joy, Noel and their 8-year-old son Andy. To be honest Andy is the star of this novella. Joy and Noel are at a crossroads, and we see a lot of what is happening from Andy's point of view (even if that isn't the intention). I would love to see more books that deal with a couple several years into a marriage and dealing with different issues. Many times, a book ends at the engagement or wedding occasionally an epilogue, but we don't often see 10 years or more down the track. Seeing how Joy and Noel deal with a current issue was refreshing.

A Match of her Own (by Sarah Anne Crouch) This book features Victoria and Jared. If you love Emma, you will love this novella. To be honest I haven't read Emma as I am not a Jane Austin fan and there are times I wanted to reach in and knock sense into Victoria. She does have good intentions in her own mind, but I found her frustrating. Thankfully she does change, and I liked her by the end. Jared is the voice of reason. The book starts with the wedding of Victoria's sister and Jared's brother with one bridesmaid staying with Victorias family. She had decided she is a matchmaker and is set on matching her up while she's visiting. There are some fun scenes in this story and I love the ending. 

Jingle Bell Matchmakers (by Lori DeJong) This is such a fun story and the longest of the novella's. Aubrey and Cody have history. Aubrey went on to have a Country singing career while Cody stayed behind. We are about 10 years into the future when a group of matchmakers conspire to bring Aubrey back and set her up with Cody. Nothing is left to chance and it is fun seeing the lengths these ladies go to. Aubrey is also very much at a crossroads deciding what next. We also see a little into what it takes to make it as a Country singer how it isn't all we may expect. I was very satisfied with the ending. 

The Santa Setup (by Heather Greer)

Now this was so fun. We have Nicholas and Julie who are best friends working at a Christmas theme village. There are a group of teens who play elves who have one mission on their mind in setting these two up. To make them see they are the perfect couple. Some of the antics are so fun. Enter another romantic interest which makes the teens work harder. I loved how this book played out and I want to go to this village. 

Final Thoughts are this is a really good Christmas collection that I would be happy to recommend. 

3 September 2024

Book Review | The Christmas Tree Farm by Melody Carlson


Today I am reviewing The Christmas Tree Farm by Melody Carlson

Book Description

When Madison McDowell returns from several years teaching overseas, she has high hopes of picking up where she left off at her family’s Christmas tree farm in Oregon. But between damage from a recent wildfire and the neglect due to her sister Addie’s unwillingness to invest, the farm is in sad shape. In fact, Addie is intent on selling the property. And to top it off, her former high school flame, the now-widowed Gavin Thompson, has plans to break Madison’s heart again by turning his neighboring property into a dusty, noisy dirt bike track for his daughter.

With the odds stacked against her, Madison decides there’s only one thing to double down on her dreams. It will take a ton of hard work–and some help from an unlikely ally–to save the farm she so dearly loves. But it may take a miracle to restore her relationship with her sister.

Bestselling and award-winning author Melody Carlson charms and delights with this uplifting Christmas story full of old memories and new beginnings.

Book Review

Thanks to Netgalley for my review copy

Every year I look forward to Melody’s Christmas novella. Every year the stories are different which adds to the enjoyment. I have been to different parts of the world with these books.

This one takes place in Oregon on a Christmas tree farm. Madison is coming home after time working overseas to help with the Christmas tree farm she now owns with her sister Addie. Growing up Madison was the outdoors girls helping her dad and grandfather while Addie was the indoors girl curled up with a book. When she gets home Addie is cool to her. She notices the farm needs work but Addie is more intent on selling.

Next door the farm had lost its hazelnut trees but there is a caravan there. Turns out to be a former friend from childhood Gavin and his daughter Lily. I actually think Lily is one of the best side characters in the book.

I loved how the book unfolded. We learnt the girls history how after her parents divorce they spent summers, thanksgiving and Christmas at the farm. Of the relationship they has with grandparents and parents. To the fun with the neighbouring kids. We learn how they come to be co-owners of the farm and how both girls are different. As the book goes on we learn what drives Madison and the memories made at the farm. We also see what has happened to Gavin in the preceding years.

I can’t say to much as you have to read the book but read this book in a day. I want to go to a tree farm in North America and cut down a tree and get a wreath, and all that goes with it. We often see the tree farms mentioned in Christmas movies or books but don’t often get the inside scoop.

A great read for Christmas. Actually you could read it anytime as it starts in Autumn. It went well here cos it was really cold the day I read it.

Link to buy

30 August 2024

Book Review | The Light Keeper's Wife by Jennifer Mistmorgan


Today I am reviewing The Light Keeper’s Wife by Jennifer Mistmorgan

Book Description

They’ve come to escape their wartime secrets. But are some shadows too dark to shake off? If you love romantic historical fiction with a dash of intrigue, you’ll love The Light Keeper’s Wife .

Summer, 1946: Newlyweds Stuart and Amy Lewis have given up the MI5 desk jobs they took once the Special Operations Executive was disbanded after the war. In need of change, they head to sleepy Eden Cove to build a life together. Stuart is helping his uncle repaint the lighthouse, trying to shake the guilt inspired by his wartime work, while Amy is doing her best to be a good housekeeper. But shadows from both their pasts quickly follow them to the sleepy coastal hamlet.

When Amy is offered a job at nearby Greton Hall, she thinks she’s assisting MI5 stop Britain’s post-war secrets escaping into Soviet hands. But even in this quiet village, things aren’t always as they seem. As Amy is drawn deeper into the intrigue, cracks begin to form in her marriage to Stuart. Can they escape their pasts and find a future together? Or will the darkness overcome?

My Review

The author has a free novella which is the sequel to this story on her newsletter and I do recommend reading it but you will still follow the book as a stand alone.

We see Amy and Stuart married and moving into number 4 Sycamore Street. Stuart had spent a childhood holiday’s visiting his uncle who is the lighthouse keeper and hopes to work in the lighthouse as well. They need a break from the work they had been doing in the war and a place for Stuart to heal.

Someone from her past asks Amy to take a job nearby to help England and the intrigue starts. She has to decide will she take the job; how much will she tell Stuart. At the same time we meet the neighbour who is a font of information. I loved the intrigue and how the story builds to an action packed finale.

This book is very much Historical Suspense but in historical fiction there are really only two genres. Historical and historical romance unlike in Contemporary fiction. This is very much a Historical suspense and well worth the read. I read this book in less than a day I could not stop I had to keep going. My hope is there will be more books featuring this couple.

2 July 2024

Book Review | Until Our Time Comes by Nicole M. Miller


Today I am reviewing Until Our Time Comes by Nicole M. Miller 

Book Description

American horse trainer Adia Kensington is living her dream of working at the famous Janów Podlaski stables in Poland, where they breed the best Arabian horses in the world. But her plans to bring the priceless stallion Lubor to the US are derailed when the German army storms into her adopted country in 1939. Little does she know this is just the beginning of six long years of occupation that will threaten her beloved horses at every turn.

Major Bret Conway is at Janów Podlaski under the guise of a news reporter, but his true mission is intelligence gathering for the British. That and keeping Adia safe, which is harder and harder to do as she insists they must evacuate 250 horses to save them from being stolen, sold, or eaten by the invading forces. What follows will test their physical, mental, and emotional strength, as well as their faith in God, humankind, and each other.

Drawn from true events of World War II, this epic story of escape, capture, resistance, and love from debut novelist Nicole M. Miller will thunder into your heart like a herd of beautiful horses across a raging river.

My Review:

Thanks to Net Galley for my review copy.

This is a debut book for Nicole M Miller and well worth the read. This book is set in Poland at the outbreak of WW2. It covers the hardships and horrors of war without being graphic or excessive. The story of the Poland Arabian horses and what happened to them was gripping. I hadn't heard of this story and actually did look it up to find more details. While some of the characters are fiction there is elements of what actually happened and how. I didn't want to put this book down as I just needed to see what would happen.

The book starts with Bret who is a British spy, catches a young orphan boy Ewan pickpocketing. Adia a horse trainer at the Arabian horse stud steps in front to protect him. They are meant to have dinner but due to unforeseen circumstances Bret doesn't show up. The next time they meet is at the Horse stud where Adia wants to protect the horses from the Nazi's. The manager of the stud asks Bret to keep her safe. There are side characters including young Ewan who does tend to do more than pickpocket he steals scenes.

This is one book that as I was reading I could see as a movie or mini series. It doesn't always happen when I read but maybe because of the subject I could picture what was happening. There were times I could feel what the characters felt. As the book is set in Poland we see how many of the civilians suffered during the war.

I wish I could share more about this book there is so much to unpack. But then you wouldn't need to read it and would miss out on one of my top reads of the year. I would love to be in a book club discussing this book. While I know the book did end well I hope there will be a follow up as I would love to read more of this author.

26 June 2024

Book Review | Dreams on the Horizon by Penny Zeller


Today’s book review is Dreams on the Horizon by Penny Zeller

Book Description

Can love overcome all obstacles?

Mae Shepherdson’s dream of a school for the deaf has finally come to fruition. All is going well until she receives devastating news: the railroad wants to build a spur through the property where the Horizon School for the Deaf is located. What will become of the children who attend the school and the employees who so tirelessly commit their time and resources? Mae questions why God would allow the closing of a school that has been the lifeline for so many young pupils. And what of her dream that no child should endure being ostracized as she once was?

Landon Bennick is accustomed to obeying his father’s orders. He’s observed and even assisted with the building of many railroad spurs, and the newest in Horizon should be no exception. However, things grow complicated when he begins to fall in love with Mae, a soft-spoken teacher at the Horizon School for the Deaf—the same school blocking the railroad’s progress. Will Landon heed his father’s strict demands or is there another way to build the spur and save the school?

When a nefarious character with vengeful intent threatens Mae, will Landon intervene before it’s too late and save the woman who has claimed his heart?

My Review

This is another good book by Penny Zeller

This is book two in the series but if you haven’t read book one you will still follow it well. I haven’t read the first book but will be soon and I didn’t have any problem following the story.

We meet Mae who was an orphan who didn’t speak when adopted who is now working for a deaf school. She now speaks but has a heart for these children. She has a quiet and gentle spirit and protected by her family. Landon is the son of a railway owner and while having everything in life except the love he really craved. He wanted his parents approval. They had his life mapped out down to who he will marry.

The two meet when the railway is coming to Horizon. I loved the story and how it played out. There is more I would love to talk about but I don’t want to give anything away. One part I love is there are no easy answers. The way things played out made sense and were not rushed.

Some of the secondary characters tried to steal scenes and added to the story. The faith element is well woven into the story. Landon is a new Christian and the concept of God being a loving father rather than a demanding father is new to him. The way the author uses situations to help Landon understand is well done.

I found the book very easy to read as it flows so well and I didn’t want to put it down. Can’t wait for Ruby’s story.

11 April 2024

Book Review | The Songbird of Hope Hill by Kim Vogel Sawyer


Today I am reviewing The Songbird of Hope Hill by Kim vogel Sawyer


A young woman sings of God’s love—even if she doesn’t believe He can forgive her—in this heartwarming novel inspired by historical events, from the bestselling author of A Tapestry of Grace.

“An unforgettable story of God’s grace and redemption.”—Kathleen Y’Barbo, author of The Black Midnight

Driven by survival to a life at a house of ill repute, Birdie Clarkson now longs only for escape. So when Reverend Isaiah Overly and his son, Ephraim, appear and offer a better life, she jumps at the chance. Ignoring the furious raging of the madam, Birdie climbs into the back of the preacher’s wagon. 
The men take her to Hope Hill, the haven the reverend and his wife, Ophelia, founded so women like Birdie can be taught skills to help them rise above their pasts. Soon a resistant Birdie finds herself singing in the choir Ephraim leads at revival meetings, even though she’s certain she’s the last person who should be representing God. 
Reverend Overly teaches that no one is irredeemable, but even as Ephraim is falling in love with her, Birdie remains convinced that she’s past saving. After all she’s been through, can she ever believe that God’s redemption wipes every soul clean? And can Ephraim convince her that God loves her more than she can grasp—and that he does, too?

My review

Thanks to Netgalley for my review copy.

When I read the blurb of this book I was intrigued. The premise is different to other books I have read and I wanted to know more. I am so glad I had an opportunity to read the latest book by Kim vogel Sawyer.

We meet Birdie who has ended up in a place she never thought she would be. A brothel. Her father passed away a few years back and her mother abandoned her and she went for help from her mothers friend. She is unhappy and is struggling. We then meet the reverend Isaiah and Ophelia Overly and there son Ephraim. They run Hope Hill a home where they rescue working girls giving them an education and the skills to live a better life. Teaching them about the one true God.

Birdie accepts the invitation to leave the brothel and goes to Hope Hill. They also have a women’s choir and we see Birdie excel with her beautiful voice. She is most at peace when singing and has a true gift. We see her struggle with how God could forgive her for what she has done and how can she forgive herself.

This book has so much in it. We see the impact on the girls where they are loved and accepted. We also see change and hope. There is so much I want to talk about but it would give to much away. There are many surprises in the story both good and bad. But I do love how the book plays out. This book gives hope and reminds us in God’s eyes things we think are unforgivable he can forgive.

This book is Historical fiction with a light romantic thread and a strong faith element.

19 March 2024

Book Review | Love's Promis by Penny Zeller


Today I am reviewing Love's Promise by Penny Zeller which has just released. 

Book description

Can one man's love win a fragile woman's heart?

After Amaya Alvarado lost her fiancé to a senseless tragedy, she vows never to love again. Two years later, at her grandmother’s request, she travels to Poplar Springs to assist with the mercantile and help care for her ailing grandfather. During a stagecoach accident and a confrontation with nefarious outlaws, she crosses paths with a man named Silas McFadden who rescues her and the other passengers. A bond between them soon forms.

Silas is not the man he once was. After a stint on the wrong side of the law, he’s now a respectable rancher in Poplar Springs, Wyoming. After becoming a man of faith, he determines to live his life for the One who gave him a second chance. He just never imagined that second chance might include Amaya. Now all he has to do is ensure his past doesn’t return and destroy his and Amaya’s fragile relationship.

My Review

Another great book by Penny Zeller. This one takes us back to Poplar Springs where we meet some familiar characters as well as some new ones. This time the story is about Silas who we have previously met and Amaya who is new to the town coming to help her grandparents with the mercantile store. 

The book starts with Silas helping Grandmama as her husband is unwell and awaiting her grand-daughter Amaya's arrival. She asks Silas to meet the stagecoach because of outlaws in the area. I won't say much of this except the Beginning really does set up the whole book. Amaya was engaged to Russell who was killed in a previous book and has vowed never to marry because he was the love of her life. She feels to love another would diminish her love for him. Silas yearns to be a good husband and father like his friend John Mark. We see the struggles both characters face. 

There are also a cast of fun characters including Gertrude and her pet cat who has set up a matchmaking service. Also, Pritchard the mayor is back again, and his character is larger than life. There is so much I would love to talk about, but I don't give spoilers but once you read it I would be happy to chat about the book with you. 

There is a strong faith element in this books which deals with forgiveness, uncertainty and other topic. If you have read the other books in the series this is a great book to end the series. If you haven't read the others, you would still be able to follow along but there would be a few things you maybe unclear about. It wouldn't detract from the story at all.

Can't wait for more books by this author.

Click to buy

18 March 2024

Book Review | One Wrong Move by Dani Pettrey


Today I am Reviewing One Wrong Move by Dani Pettrey

Book description

Taunting riddles.
A deadly string of heists.
Two broken hearts trapped in a killer's game.

Christian Macleod was pulled into a life of crime at a young age by his con artist parents. Now making amends for his corrupt past, he has become one of the country's foremost security experts. When a string of Southwestern art heists captures the FBI's attention, Christian is paired up with a gifted insurance investigator who has her own checkered past.

Andi Forster was a brilliant FBI forensic analyst until one of her colleagues destroyed her career, blaming her for mishandling evidence. She now puts those skills to work investigating insurance fraud, and this latest high-stakes case will test her gift to the limit. Drawn deep into a dangerous game with an opponent bent on revenge, Christian and Andi are in a race against the clock to catch him, but the perpetrator's game is far from finished, and one wrong move could be the death of them both.

My Review

Thanks to Netgalley for my review copy.

I watched an interview with Dani Pettrey about this book and it made me want to read it. There is something about Private detectives that interest me. In this book Andi is an insurance investigator and Christian is a private detective with skills in security. They meet at a crime scene and end up working the case together. The bad guys are playing with them leaving clues on Andi's car. We learn early on Andi was a former FBI agent working in the lab. From the blurb we know Christian was raised by con artists for parents but will take a while to learn his whole story. Other characters include Christian's brother Deckard and sister Riley, along with Andi's friend Harper plus a couple others. As well as the bad guys.

The action starts from the start and continues right through the book. We also have the romance happening as well. there are many twists and turns which kept me reading. This wasn't a light read but each day I ended wanting to read more but I also needed sleep. It is my first book by Dani Pettrey but it won't be my last. I normally don't read a lot of suspense mainly stick to Love Inspired Suspense but may now read more in this genre. I eagerly await the next book in this series to see what will happen next in this family of Detectives.

There is a strong faith thread throughout the book as well. I would love to say more but I don't give away spoilers.

11 March 2024

Book Review of Just for the Summer by Melody Carlson


Today I am reviewing Just for the Summer by Melody Carlson releasing 19 March 2024

Book description:

Ginny Masters manages a popular boutique hotel in Seattle and manages it with aplomb. But the daily challenges and irritations of a fast-paced job and a demanding boss are starting to get to her. Jacqueline Potter manages her grandfather’s fishing lodge in Idaho because it was the only job she could find after graduating with her hospitality degree. She’s grateful for the work but longs for a more sophisticated and cosmopolitan life she’s just not going to find in this backwoods town.

The solution to both their problems seems obvious. Just for the summer, they’ll swap jobs and lifestyles. But they never anticipated swapping love interests . . .

In this fabulous new twist on an age-old fable, award-winning and bestselling author Melody Carlson introduces you to two career-focused women who are about to discover that there’s more to finding happiness than just switching up the scenery.

My Review:

Thanks to Netgalley for my review copy.

I was hooked from the first paragraph. The story is about Ginny and Jacqueline. Both are in jobs managing hotel or resorts of different sorts. Ginny in Seattle in a Boutique hotel and Jacqueline in a fishing lodge. Through a site for a job swap they are able to swap jobs for a set time. In this case the summer. There are quite a few interesting characters. Ginny’s boss Diane is very demanding and comes across as unreasonable and difficult to work for. Jacqueline is working for her Grandfather who she portrays as being stuck in time and unwilling to change the lodge.

There are other characters that help make the story but I won’t say much as I want you to find out more. Its also Ginny and Jacqueline have a few things in common from childhood but interesting how different the Women reacted to this. I loved Ginny and her get up and go attitude but at times I wanted to reach in and shake Jacqueline for her attitude. It was interesting to see how the Summer played out and how the characters grow. I would love to talk more about this book as there is so much to unpack but you will have to read. Then we can talk about it.

The book does have a romance thread but its not the main thread.

Have your read any books by Melody Carlson. Have you ever read about a job swap before.

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