
30 April 2013

Going Higher By Jayme Hull

Going Higher
By Jayme Hull

Picnic time is just around the corner. Everyone has a favorite cookout smell that brings back good times and memories. One of my Dad’s favorite sandwiches is a good ol’ American hot dog.

Last year, while Dad was visiting, we planned a special picnic get-together. When I went to the grocery store I had forgotten how large a selection of hot dogs we have to pick from! One brand caught my eye in particular, the “Hebrew National.”  Even more profound than their brand name was their slogan:

“We answer to a higher authority.”

I chuckled, “Hey, so do I!” Of course, my curiosity converted me into a consumer—I bought the dogs. I have to admit the hot dogs were juicy and delicious.

So, here is today’s question: “What is your slogan?”

Do you answer to a higher authority?

If Christian women of today would live like we answer to a higher authority, our lives and families would look different. This is what mentoring is all about. Helping woman realize they are blessed and privileged to answer to a higher authority.

You may be asking:

·         How do I mentor others?
·         What does mentoring look like?

Here is an example:

Young Woman: I just don’t understand how to hear God’s voice.

Mentor: No worries, this is a common question. I can give you an example. I am married and I spend all my time with my husband. I communicate with him and I know what he thinks and how he lives his life. When my husband calls me on the phone, he doesn’t have to say, “Hi honey. This is your husband.”

You see, the minute he says my name I know who he is because I know his voice. I have spent quality time with him and know him inside and out.

As you spend more time in God’s Word you begin to learn His character. You will recognize His commands and His love.
Before I end my time mentoring I always pray over the young believer and encourage her to seek and answer to the higher authority in Jesus Christ.

Even more exciting—as a mentor, you will walk away renewed in your own faith. Scripture says as you refresh others, you yourself will be refreshed. Be encouraged as you mentor the next generation of believers. God will bless you as you pour your life into others.

Jayme Hull Bio:
Jayme’s ministry is focused on mentoring others with a clear and strong biblical foundation. She is a graduate of New York University, and currently a Bible Study teacher, piano teacher and mentor to numerous women of all ages. She and her husband, John, currently live in Nashville, TN.
Visit Jayme at:

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