
13 October 2012

Getting to know you with Charlotte Carter

Please join me in welcoming Charlotte Carter to my blog. I am a little late partly due to the fact I am still so tired and having a few bad days. I love Charlotte's book and will review as soon as I am up to it. I have enjoyed getting to know Charlotte better.

1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
A native Californian, I live in Southern California with my husband of 50 years. We have two married daughters and five grandchildren. Our oldest daughter lives quite near us so we get to see her three boys, ages 17, 12 and 7, fairly often. Our younger daughter lives in Northern California, so we see her 2-3 times a year. Her daughter attends Central Connecticut State University on a full-ride volleyball scholarship. (Yay!) Her 12-year-old son already runs 5K races and wins in his age group.

 2. When you were a child did you have a favourite book or books?
I remember the original Doctor Doolittle series and a book titled White Witch Doctor. The latter was about a woman missionary in Africa. When she found a huge spider in her boot, I decided I had no interest in becoming a missionary. As a teenager I devoured books by Lloyd Douglas such as The Robe. (Jenny here I have The big Fisherman by Lloyd Douglas and read it one easter.)

 3. Do you have a favourite Genre to both read and right write?
I write contemporary romance but read more broadly including suspense, legal thrillers and adventure.

 4. Did you have favourite authors growing up who have influenced you?
Not so much as authors influencing me as my eleventh grade English teacher. I had written a short story on my own and I showed it to Mr. Murphy. He was quite encouraging and told me took turn it into a novel. It was many more years before I wrote my first novel. I so wish I could thank him for his support.

 5. When did you know you wanted to be an author?
Although I had told myself stories since about age 6, it never occurred to me that I could write and sell my (somewhat more sophisticated)stories. I majored in Business and avoided Literature classes. But I read romance! In about 1988 my husband gave me a stocking stuffer gift at Christmas, a book about how to write romance. Poor guy hasn't seen me since. However, he does really like taking my royalty checks to the bank.

6. How did you go about becoming an author?

I started to write. That sounds so basic, but some wannabe authors forget to put themselves in a chair and their fingers on a keyboard and write. I took some classes. I found the Orange County Chapter of Romance Writers of America; I'm convinced I never would have sold without the help of friends and colleagues in the chapter. I wrote 12 full manuscripts, half of them historical romance novels, before I sold my first book in 1991. I'm currently working on my 57th novel. And I still take classes to improve my craft. 

 7. If you were not a writer what would you like to be? 

It's hard to imagine being anything other than a writer at this point in my life. Now days there are so many more opportunities for women I might have dreamed of being a political commentator/reporter or even a football commentator. (There is something really tempting about all those hunky football players.) 

 8. Outside reading and writing what do you like to do? 

Let's see, I don't do crafts; my hands perspire when I knit. I enjoy a relaxing day in the mountains sitting under a pine tree reading a book. I like fresh-water fishing. And yes, I watch those hunky football players on TV. 

 9. Do you have a place you love to visit or would love to visit? 

Over the years my husband and I have been fortunate to travel to England, Ireland, Scotland, Austria, New Zealand, much of Canada and virtually all of the national parks in the United States. I'd love to visit Africa to see the wild animals, but the thought of being something like 24-hour en route is daunting. 

 10. If you could have a meal with 3 living people who would you choose and why? 

Hilary Clinton and Madelyn Albright come to mind; Hilary can bring her husband along. Condalisa Rice would make a good contribution to the conversation as well. (See note above about becoming a political reporter.) I love to be around really smart people because they have such broad knowledge of the world. 

Finally can you tell us about your current books and/or any that will be coming out soon. Also where we can find you on the web. 

My October 2012 Love Inspired is Montana Love Letter, the first of a series of books that are set in Bear Lake, MT, south of Glacier National Park. Home to Montana, also set in Bear Lake, is a March 2013 release. Visit me at

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