Please welcome Sibella Giorello to my blog today. Im a little late for Thursday but what's the saying better late than never. Sibella's book The Clouds rolled away is on sale now and appropriate for Christmas.
1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I play with imaginary friends. My favorite is forensic geologist Raleigh Harmon. An FBI agent who gets into enough trouble to keep things interesting, Raleigh's the protagonist of a mystery series published by Thomas Nelson. The most recent release is "The Clouds Roll Away."
After 7 a.m. each day, I'm a wife and homeschool mom who's been known to leave the house wearing two different shoes.
2. When you were a child did you have a favourite book or books?
Any book that carried me away was my favorite. I wasn't devoted to one particular book, but the Narnia series had a huge impact on my imagination, along with Joan Aiken's "The Wolves of Willoughby Chase." That title still rolls off my tongue.
3. Do you have a favourite Genre to both read and write?
Mysteries. They're immediately compelling -- tragedy, with pursuit of justice. What could be more captivating?
4. Did you have favourite authors growing up who have influenced you?
Not the usual suspects, since my grandmother was a well-read librarian who turned me into a literary throw-back. Growing up in Alaska, I was probably the only kid reading Karl Jung and Somerset Maughm.
5. When did you know you wanted to be an author?
Maybe yesterday.
Seriously, I don't think I ever wanted to be an author, as much as I wanted to write entertaining stories. Honest stories, about interesting people. Whatever happened after that, I didn't much care. My hopes weren't pinned on being published as much as they were linked to making happy readers.
6. How did you go about becoming an author?
I worked as a newspaper reporter, and enjoyed every gruesome ink-stained moment of it. Lightning turnarounds, sharp news angles, no precious phrasing -- newspapers are great training grounds. Or were. Maybe now blogging provides that. But journalism skills come out to play every day with fiction. It's all about the reader, making sure the reader is served.
7. If you were not a writer what would you like to be?
It's a long list but at the top is doctor. Then architect. Landscape designer. Geologist. But here's the beauty of writing fiction: I can write about those professions, and live vicariously. Which is probably much better than actually doing those jobs.
8. Outside reading and writing what do you like to do?
Spend time with my husband and sons.
After that comes running. If my body could withstand the strain, I'd run several hours every day.
9. Do you have a place you love to visit or would love to visit?
Favorite place in the world: Alaska. There's not even a close second place. But then, I haven't been to Australia....
I was fortunate to grow up in Alaska, which is also the setting for the next Raleigh Harmon mystery, "The Mountains Bow Down." (March, 2011) I hope readers will come to appreciate the Last Frontier. And I'd like to take the opportunity right here to thank the Russians for selling that land.
10. If you could have a meal with 3 living people who would you choose and why?
My husband and sons. Maybe that sounds corny but every meal with those guys fills my spirit with joy and laughter and curiosity.
Finally can you tell us about your current books and/or any that will be coming out soon. Also where we can find you on the web.
"The Clouds Roll Away" was recently named a "Top Ten" pick by Booklist. (Huge shout out to America's librarians -- I love you!) In March, the next book in the series comes out, "The Mountains Bow Down." And the fifth book in the series, "The Stars Shine Bright," is eagerly awaiting my return, as soon as I type the last period of this fun interview.
Folks can find me on the web at
And now -- I'm off!
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