Why God Matters:
How to Recognize Him in Daily Lifeby Deacon Steven Lumbert & Karina Lumbert Fabian
ARCHBALD, PENNSYLVANIA – Tribute Books announces the release of Why God Matters: How to Recognize Him in Daily Life by Deacon Steven Lumbert of Pueblo, Co. and his daughter, Karina Lumbert Fabian of Simi Valley, Ca. They share their stories of how God led them from casual belief to deep devotion, and offer tips and exercises to help you see God's hand - and take it.
Neither Lumbert nor Fabian had dramatic conversions. Rather, God led them into deeper faith through the seemingly minor details of life: pot of rice, a habit of prayer, a frustrating flight home, or a barefooted stranger. This father-daughter team have written a delightful, quick book about finding God in the day-to-day. With thought-provoking quotes, heartwarming stories, Bible verses, passages from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and simple exercises the reader can fit into his or her daily routine, they help others recognize God's presence.
The book marks a series of firsts for the father-daughter duo. This is the first book that the two have written together, although Fabian is well published in the science fiction and fantasy arena. While Fabian does write articles for magazines and diocese newspapers, this is her first nonfiction book. This is Lumbert's first book ever.
One thing this is not, however, is their first collaboration. From planning club fundraisers to building basements, the two have worked together on many projects. However, working on this book brought a new level to their relationship. "We were sharing some personal stories, some we'd never talked about before," Fabian said. "I learned things about my dad's past that had only been hinted at as I was growing up. I also learned a little more about how he thinks. Writing this book helped me know my father better."
Visit their web site at: www.WhyGodMatters.com
Watch the video book trailer at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?
****Deacon Steve & Karina will be on a virtual book tour during June 2010.
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Book Summary
Many times one sees Roman Catholicism explained using either closely reasoned theology or an appeal to ancient writers of the Church. While both are legitimate approaches, the average reader looking to explore the faith is often left cold. In their collaboration, Why God Matters, Deacon Steven Lumbert and his daughter, Karina Lumbert Fabian, delineate the Catholic Faith as experienced by a pair of average, everyday people like the great majority who make up the 24 percent of Americans who share this religion.
In the stories of this pair, one see both ways people come to Catholicism, by birth ('cradle Catholics') and by conversion. Their descriptions of their separate paths thankfully lack the religiosity of the all too common 'and then a miracle takes place' school of religious experience. Rather than blasts of light, fiery swords, spiritual fistfights, and angelic choirs, theirs is the long religious slog of the everyday. The effort that one must put out each day in the long trek to Heaven.
What is Catholicism really like? One would be hard-put to find a better verbal painting of the faith so many call their own.
Praise for Why God Matters
"The Catechism reminds us that because of our human limitations, 'we can name God only by taking creatures as our starting point, and in accordance with our limited human ways of knowing and thinking' (par. 40). For most of us, our earliest impressions of God are greatly influenced by the intimacies of family life. In Why God Matters, father-daughter duo Deacon Steve Lumbert and Karina Fabian explore the realities of daily living from this unique perspective, reminding us of the awesome responsibility families share in helping each other all the way to heaven."
Heidi Saxton
Extraordinary Moms Network
author of My Big Book of Catholic Bible Stories
"Reading Why God Matters is refreshing. It gets you to think and reflect on what matters most and how our lives should be centered on God. Beautiful stories of actual life events along with Scripture and Catechism of the Catholic Church."
Marco Vegas
Director of vocations & director of deacons, Diocese of Pueblo
"Little Things Mean a Lot. That is a song from the 1950s and in a sense this book gives it a new meaning. Little things are just that – little. But when you enliven them with your faith and love, they become great. The choice of stories are most convincing because they are also authentic and inspire readers to see their lives as blessed, sacred and life saving – eternal life saving."
Fr. John M. O'Flynn
Pastor, retired
"The entries in this devotional are special because they are not grandiose, overblown or ‘Charlton Heston-esque,’ but rather, they are small, personal, normal – yet significant."
Nick Alexander
Catholic comedian, keynote speaker & worship leader
"Real life stories point out how and where we can find God working in our lives. There is a lot to meditate on and each page leaves something with you. I could not put it down."
Sr. Monica Anne Biazuk, CSSF
Livania, MI
"Reflective, relevant and enjoyable, especially for those who find God absent. It reminds you how God is at work in all aspects of your life."
Fr. Michael Louis Gelfant
Brooklyn, NY
Deacon Steve Bio

Karina Bio
Karina Lumbert Fabian was born into the Catholic faith, but truly grew to love it as an adult. As a busy mother of four, she finds some of her strongest encounters with God's love happen in the ordinary events of the day-to-day. Karina started her writing career with diocesan newspapers but has settled into writing fun-filled fantasy and science fiction that nonetheless incorporates the principles of faith-filled living.
Excerpt from Chapter 2
"Love in a Pot of Rice"
by Karina
You know well enough that our Lord does not look so much at the greatness of our actions, nor even at their difficulty, but at the love with which we do them
–St. Therese of Lisieux
–St. Therese of Lisieux
One meal that always connects me to my heritage is arroz con pollo—chicken and rice. For me, this meal doesn’t so much represent an ethnic identity, it symbolizes the love and generosity of my family.
My mother is the seventh child of ten, born to a very poor family in Puerto Rico. They bought shoes only for the winter, shared two toys at Christmas (a game and a ball), and meat for dinner was a rare treat. Yet my grandfather, a schoolteacher, regularly brought home the students who lived too far away to walk home from school during the week, and they shared the family meal. My grandmother would say, “If I can feed ten, I can feed twelve.” When I cook arroz con pollo, I imagine her adding a cup of rice to stretch their meal, giving of their need rather than their wealth.
Many of my grandparents’ children escaped poverty, becoming doctors and social workers, businesspeople and spouses. However, they never lost their legacy of charity. When one is in need, the others are there. I remember when a hurricane took the roof off my grandparent’s house, where several grown children still lived. In Colorado, my mother combed the garage sales for linens and clothes to replace those ruined by the storm, and all contributed what funds they could to repair the roof. Years later, my grandmother died in that home, cared for by her children and grandchildren.
My own parents carried on that legacy, which, like my grandparents’, spread beyond family. Our friends were welcome in our homes, sometimes more than in their own homes. My parents called them their “love daughters” and supported them in their extra-curriculars, and on occasion, took them into our home. Several still call them “Mom and Dad.” When we did not have treasure, my parents gave of their time and talent. My dad made costumes for the school play; my mother was always crafting for someone. Mostly, though, they gave of their love.
When I’d given birth to my daughter, my mom came to visit for several weeks, and she met a pregnant friend who said she had only one craving: arroz con pollo. The next time we saw her, Mom had it ready.
As a mother myself, I must now carry on this legacy by setting an example for my children. Far wealthier than my parents or grandparents ever were, we do our best to give to the Church and to charities—and we involve our children in that. We also do our best to be available to their friends as well as to them. This year, I pack an extra lunch each day for Amber’s best friend. It’s a little thing, yet it connects me to my grandmother somehow.
Last night, I made arroz con pollo. It’s a different recipe, because I’m not the cook my mother is, yet it brought me back to my past, and my mother’s past, and to roots deeply embedded in charitable love.
Life Lesson
God calls us to be the first teachers to our children in living a life of faith, hope, and charity.
How did your parents teach you this? How are you teaching your own children? Spend some time in reflection and prayer today, then find something that ties you to that heritage—or inspires you to build a new heritage for your children.
Why God Matters: How to Recognize Him in Daily LifeGod calls us to be the first teachers to our children in living a life of faith, hope, and charity.
How did your parents teach you this? How are you teaching your own children? Spend some time in reflection and prayer today, then find something that ties you to that heritage—or inspires you to build a new heritage for your children.
by Deacon Steven Lumbert & Karina Lumbert Fabian
ISBN: 9780982256534 (hardcover)
Published by Tribute Books: http://www.tribute-books.com
To order 10 or more copies at a 40% discount, contact Tribute Books at info@tribute-books.com or phone (570) 876-2416.
Thanks AusJenny for sharing "Why God Matters" with your blog readers.
We appreciate your support.
Thanks for posting this. We appreciate your getting the word out.
Karina Fabian
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